Lars Ehrencron
Lars Ehrencron
Lars Ehrencron joined Lubbers, Boer & Douma as an intern in January 2025.
Lars had completed the Bachelor’s programs in Tax Economics and Tax Law at Tilburg University. He is currently pursuing a Master’s degree in Tax Law at the same university. During his studies, he worked as a student employee at two tax consultancy firms. Since September 2022, he has also been employed as a Student-Assistant at the Fiscal Institute Tilburg of Tilburg University.
Other positions
- Student-Assistant Fiscal Institute Tilburg at Tilburg University
- Author TaxVisions
Featured publications
- De waardering van de doorgeschoven AB-claim getoetst aan het arrest BNB 2022/214, Weekblad Fiscaal Recht 2025/3.
- Verrekening van eerder geheven erfbelasting bij tweede verkrijging uit dezelfde nalatenschap, Weekblad voor Privaatrecht, Notariaat en Registratie, afl. 7479, p. 621-629.
- De wijzigingen van de bedrijfsopvolgingsfaciliteiten gewikt en gewogen, Weekblad voor Privaatrecht, Notariaat en Registratie, afl. 7448, p. 109-119 (met prof. mr. I.J.F.A. van Vijfeijken).